Why May

Why May? Why The May Diaries?

This isn’t the first time I’ve delved into the blogging world. What began as a holiday journal documenting my year abroad in London evolved into a lifestyle blog with a strong focus on makeup and skincare (I want to cringe at that now… it had so much potential and that’s what I got hung up on, lesson learned) with a sassy sister blog on the side which I ran with two of my best girlfriends (now that I miss). Then life happened, I got busy, my priorities changed, my interests took a swift side-step in another direction and I was left blog-less without anywhere to document the inner workings of my mind. Which brings us to today…

I didn’t spend much time thinking about what to call this little space. As soon as I knew I wanted to get back into writing I put pen to paper and drafted a few ideas. Before I knew it the page was a chaotic mess; ideas here, lines there, the occasional doodle and amongst it all ‘The May Diaries’.

I’ve always felt a deep connection with the month of May. It’s marks a change in seasons and offers a great opportunity to take stock and reflect. It’s also my month of birth (not biased or anything over here) and if there’s one thing you should know about me, other than my hideous love for watching re-runs of Mcleods Daughters, it’s that I associate greatly with being a Taurean.

Taurus: Steady, driven, tenacious, enduring, persistent, trustworthy, patient & most identifiably stubborn

I’m not massively into horoscopes but I can spot a fellow Taurean a mile away and gravitate towards them immediately. There’s an unspoken sense of camaraderie and shared spirit. But, please don’t go thinking that if you’re not born between April 20th and May 20th this isn’t the place for you, all star signs are welcome here. In fact, the more the merrier. This is simply a tale about how ‘The May Diaries’ came about.

So there you have it!

x Abbie

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